Sunday, 14 December 2008

Talent is never enough

Quoted from the book : Talent is never enough by John C Maxwell
  1. Belief Lifts Your Talent
  2. Passion Energizes Your Talent
  3. Initiative Activates Your Talent
  4. Focus Directs Your Talent
  5. Preparation Positions Your Talent
  6. Practice Sharpens Your Talent
  7. Perseverance Sustains Your Talent
  8. Courage Tests Your Talent
  9. Teachability Expands Your Talent
  10. Character Protects Your Talent
  11. Relationships Influence Your Talent
  12. Responsibility Strengthens Your Talent
  13. Teamwork Multiplies Your Talent

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Ibu kita adalah Orang Yang Paling Mulia di dunia ini

Alkisah, ada sepasang kekasih yang saling mencintai. Sang pria berasal dari
keluarga kaya, dan merupakan orang yang terpandang di kota tersebut.
Sedangkan sang wanita adalah seorang yatim piatu, hidup serba
kekurangan, tetapi cantik, lemah lembut, dan baik hati. Kelebihan inilah
yang membuat sang pria jatuh hati.

Sang wanita hamil di luar nikah. Sang pria lalu mengajaknya menikah, dengan
membawa sang wanita ke rumahnya. Seperti yang sudah mereka duga, orang tua
sang pria tidak menyukai wanita tsb. Sebagai orang yang
terpandang di kota tsb, latar belakang wanita tsb akan merusak reputasi
keluarga. Sebaliknya, mereka bahkan telah mencarikan jodoh yang sepadan
untuk anaknya. Sang pria berusaha menyakinkan orang tuanya, bahwa ia sudah
menetapkan keputusannya, apapun resikonya bagi dia.

Sang wanita merasa tak berdaya, tetapi sang pria menyakinkan wanita tsb
bahwa tidak ada yang bisa memisahkan mereka. Sang pria terus berargumen
dengan orang tuanya, bahkan membantah perkataan orangtuanya, sesuatu yang
belum pernah dilakukannya selama hidupnya (di zaman dulu, umumnya seorang
anak sangat tunduk pada orang tuanya).

Sebulan telah berlalu, sang pria gagal untuk membujuk orang tuanya agar
menerima calon istrinya. Sang orang tua juga stress karena gagal membujuk
anak satu-satunya, agar berpisah dengan wanita tsb, yang menurut
mereka akan sangat merugikan masa depannya.

Sang pria akhirnya menetapkan pilihan untuk kawin lari. Ia memutuskan untuk
meninggalkan semuanya demi sang kekasih. Waktu keberangkatan pun
ditetapkan, tetapi rupanya rencana ini diketahui oleh orang tua sang pria.
Maka ketika saatnya tiba, sang ortu mengunci anaknya di dalam kamar dan
dijaga ketat oleh para bawahan di rumahnya yang besar.

Sebagai gantinya, kedua orang tua datang ke tempat yang telah ditentukan
sepasang kekasih tsb untuk melarikan diri. Sang wanita sangat terkejut
dengan kedatangan ayah dan ibu sang pria... Mereka kemudian memohon
pengertian dari sang wanita, agar meninggalkan anak mereka satu-satunya.

Menurut mereka, dengan perbedaan status sosial yang sangat besar,
perkawinan mereka hanya akan menjadi gunjingan seluruh penduduk kota,
reputasi anaknya akan tercemar, orang2 tidak akan menghormatinya lagi.
Akibatnya, bisnis yang akan diwariskan kepada anak mereka akan bangkrut
secara perlahan2.

Mereka bahkan memberikan uang dalam jumlah banyak, dengan permohonan agar
wanita tsb meninggalkan kota ini, tidak bertemu dengan anaknya lagi, dan
menggugurkan kandungannya. Uang tsb dapat digunakan untuk membiayai
hidupnya di tempat lain.

Sang wanita menangis tersedu-sedu. Dalam hati kecilnya, ia sadar bahwa
perbedaan status sosial yang sangat jauh, akan menimbulkan banyak kesulitan
bagi kekasihnya. Akhirnya, ia setuju untuk meninggalkan kota ini,
tetapi menolak untuk menerima uang tsb. Ia mencintai sang pria, bukan
uangnya. Walaupun ia sepenuhnya sadar, jalan hidupnya ke depan akan sangat

Ibu sang pria kembali memohon kepada wanita tsb untuk meninggalkan sepucuk
surat kepada mereka, yang menyatakan bahwa ia memilih berpisah dengan sang
pria. Ibu sang pria kuatir anaknya akan terus mencari
kekasihnya, dan tidak mau meneruskan usaha orang tuanya. 'Walaupun ia kelak
bukan suamimu, bukankah Anda ingin melihatnya sebagai seseorang yang
berhasil? Ini adalah untuk kebaikan kalian berdua', kata sang ibu.

Dengan berat hati, sang wanita menulis surat. Ia menjelaskan bahwa ia sudah
memutuskan untuk pergi meninggalkan sang pria. Ia sadar bahwa keberadaannya
hanya akan merugikan sang pria. Ia minta maaf karena telah melanggar janji
setia mereka berdua, bahwa mereka akan selalu bersama dalam menghadapi
penolakan2 akibat perbedaan status sosial mereka. Ia tidak kuat lagi
menahan penderitaan ini, dan memutuskan untuk berpisah.

Tetesan air mata sang wanita tampak membasahi surat tersebut.

Sang wanita yang malang tsb tampak tidak punya pilihan lain. Ia terjebak
antara moral dan cintanya. Sang wanita segera meninggalkan kota itu,
sendirian. Ia menuju sebuah desa yang lebih terpencil. Disana, ia
bertekad untuk melahirkan dan membesarkan anaknya.

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Tiga tahun telah berlalu. Ternyata wanita tersebut telah menjadi seorang
ibu. Anaknya seorang laki2. Sang ibu bekerja keras siang dan malam, untuk
membiayai kehidupan mereka. Di pagi dan siang hari, ia bekerja di sebuah
industri rumah tangga, malamnya, ia menyuci pakaian2 tetangga dan menyulam
sesuai dengan pesanan pelanggan. Kebanyakan ia melakukan semua pekerjaan
ini sambil menggendong anak di punggungnya.

Walaupun ia cukup berpendidikan, ia menyadari bahwa pekerjaan lain tidak
memungkinkan, karena ia harus berada di sisi anaknya setiap saat. Tetapi
sang ibu tidak pernah mengeluh dengan pekerjaannya. ..

Di usia tiga tahun, suatu saat, sang anak tiba2 sakit keras. Demamnya
sangat tinggi. Ia segera dibawa ke rumah sakit setempat. Anak tsb harus
menginap di rumah sakit selama beberapa hari. Biaya pengobatan telah
menguras habis seluruh tabungan dari hasil kerja kerasnya selama ini, dan
itupun belum cukup. Ibu tsb akhirnya juga meminjam ke sana-sini, kepada
siapapun yang bermurah hati untuk memberikan pinjaman.

Saat diperbolehkan pulang, sang dokter menyarankan untuk membuat sup
ramuan, untuk mempercepat kesembuhan putranya. Ramuan tsb terdiri dari
obat2 herbal dan daging sapi untuk dikukus bersama. Tetapi
sang ibu hanya mampu membeli obat2 herbal tsb, ia tidak punya uang
sepeserpun lagi untuk membeli daging. Untuk meminjam lagi, rasanya tak
mungkin, karena ia telah berutang kepada semua orang yang ia kenal, dan
belum terbayar.

Ketika di rumah, sang ibu menangis. Ia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, untuk
mendapatkan daging. Toko daging di desa tsb telah menolak permintaannya,
untuk bayar di akhir bulan saat gajian.

Diantara tangisannya, ia tiba2 mendapatkan ide. Ia mencari alkohol yang ada
di rumahnya, sebilah pisau dapur, dan sepotong kain. Setelah pisau dapur
dibersihkan dengan alkohol, sang ibu nekad mengambil sekerat daging dari
pahanya. Agar tidak membangunkan anaknya yang sedang tidur, ia mengikat
mulutnya dengan sepotong kain. Darah berhamburan. Sang ibu tengah berjuang
mengambil dagingnya sendiri, sambil berusaha tidak
mengeluarkan suara kesakitan yang teramat sangat?..

Hujan lebatpun turun. Lebatnya hujan menyebabkan rintihan kesakitan sang
ibu tidak terdengar oleh para tetangga, terutama oleh anaknya sendiri.
Tampaknya langit juga tersentuh dengan pengorbanan yang
sedang dilakukan oleh sang ibu ............ .

==========000000000 0======== ======

Enam tahun telah berlalu, anaknya tumbuh menjadi seorang anak yang tampan,
cerdas, dan berbudi pekerti. Ia juga sangat sayang ibunya... Di hari minggu,
mereka sering pergi ke taman di desa tersebut, bermain
bersama, dan bersama2 menyanyikan lagu 'Shi Sang Chi You Mama Hau'
(terjemahannya 'Di Dunia ini, hanya ibu seorang yang baik').

Sang anak juga sudah sekolah. Sang ibu sekarang bekerja sebagai penjaga
toko, karena ia sudah bisa meninggalkan anaknya di siang hari.

Hari2 mereka lewatkan dengan kebersamaan, penuh kebahagiaan. Sang anak
terkadang memaksa ibunya, agar ia bisa membantu ibunya menyuci di malam
hari. Ia tahu ibunya masih menyuci di malam hari, karena perlu tambahan
biaya untuk sekolahnya. Ia memang seorang anak yang cerdas.

Ia juga tahu, bulan depan adalah hari ulang tahun ibunya. Ia berniat
membelikan sebuah jam tangan, yang sangat didambakan ibunya selama ini.
Ibunya pernah mencobanya di sebuah toko, tetapi segera menolak setelah
pemilik toko menyebutkan harganya. Jam tangan itu sederhana, tidak terlalu
mewah, tetapi bagi mereka, itu terlalu mahal. Masih banyak keperluan lain
yang perlu dibiayai.

Sang anak segera pergi ke toko tsb, yang tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Ia
meminta kepada kakek pemilik toko agar menyimpan jam tangan tsb, karena ia
akan membelinya bulan depan. 'Apakah kamu punya uang?'
tanya sang pemilik toko. 'Tidak sekarang, nanti saya akan punya', kata sang
anak dengan serius.

Ternyata, bulan depan sang anak benar2 muncul untuk membeli jam tangan tsb.
Sang kakek juga terkejut, kiranya sang anak hanya main2.

Ketika menyerahkan uangnya, sang kakek bertanya 'Dari mana kamu mendapatkan
uang itu? Bukan mencuri kan?'. 'Saya tidak mencuri, kakek.

Hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun ibuku. Saya biasanya naik becak pulang
pergi ke sekolah. Selama sebulan ini, saya berjalan kaki saat pulang dari
sekolah ke rumah, uang jajan dan uang becaknya saya simpan untuk beli jam
ini. Kakiku sakit, tapi ini semua untuk ibuku. O ya, jangan beritahu ibuku
tentang hal ini. Ia akan marah' kata sang anak. Sang pemilik toko tampak
kagum pada anak tsb.

Seperti biasanya, sang ibu pulang dari kerja di sore hari. Sang anak segera
memberikan ucapan selamat pada ibu, dan menyerahkan jam tangan tsb. Sang
ibu terkejut bercampur haru, ia bangga dengan anaknya. Jam
tangan ini memang adalah impiannya. Tetapi sang ibu tiba2 tersadar, dari
mana uang untuk membeli jam tsb. Sang anak tutup mulut, tidak mau menjawab.

'Apakah kamu mencuri, Nak?' Sang anak diam seribu bahasa, ia tidak ingin
ibu mengetahui bagaimana ia mengumpulkan uang tersebut.

Setelah ditanya berkali2 tanpa jawaban, sang ibu menyimpulkan bahwa anaknya
telah mencuri. 'Walaupun kita miskin, kita tidak boleh mencuri. Bukankah
ibu sudah mengajari kamu tentang hal ini?' kata sang ibu.

Lalu ibu mengambil rotan dan mulai memukul anaknya. Biarpun ibu sayang pada
anaknya, ia harus mendidik anaknya sejak kecil. Sang anak menangis,
sedangkan air mata sang ibu mengalir keluar. Hatinya begitu
perih, karena ia sedang memukul belahan hatinya. Tetapi ia harus
melakukannya, demi kebaikan anaknya.

Suara tangisan sang anak terdengar keluar. Para tetangga menuju ke rumah
tsb heran, dan kemudian prihatin setelah mengetahui kejadiannya. 'Ia
sebenarnya anak yang baik', kata salah satu tetangganya.

Kebetulan sekali, sang pemilik toko sedang berkunjung ke rumah salah satu
tetangganya yang merupakan familinya.

Ketika ia keluar melihat ke rumah itu, ia segera mengenal anak itu. Ketika
mengetahui persoalannya, ia segera menghampiri ibu itu untuk menjelaskan.
Tetapi tiba2 sang anak berlari ke arah pemilik toko, memohon
agar jangan menceritakan yang sebenarnya pada ibunya.

'Nak, ketahuilah, anak yang baik tidak boleh berbohong, dan tidak boleh
menyembunyikan sesuatu dari ibunya'. Sang anak mengikuti nasehat kakek itu.
Maka kakek itu mulai menceritakan bagaimana sang anak
tiba2 muncul di tokonya sebulan yang lalu, memintanya untuk menyimpan jam
tangan tsb, dan sebulan kemudian akan membelinya. Anak itu muncul siang
tadi di tokonya, katanya hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun ibunya. Ia juga
menceritakan bagaimana sang anak berjalan kaki dari sekolahnya pulang ke
rumah dan tidak jajan di sekolah selama sebulan ini, untuk mengumpulkan
uang membeli jam tangan kesukaan ibunya.

Tampak sang kakek meneteskan air mata saat selesai menjelaskan hal tsb,
begitu pula dengan tetangganya. Sang ibu segera memeluk anak kesayangannya,
keduanya menangis dengan tersedu-sedu. 'Maafkan saya, Nak.'

'Tidak Bu, saya yang bersalah'... ......... .. ..

===========000= ========= =======

Sementara itu, ternyata ayah dari sang anak sudah menikah, tetapi istrinya
mandul. Mereka tidak punya anak. Sang ortu sangat sedih akan hal ini,
karena tidak akan ada yang mewarisi usaha mereka kelak.

Ketika sang ibu dan anaknya berjalan2 ke kota, dalam sebuah kesempatan,
mereka bertemu dengan sang ayah dan istrinya. Sang ayah baru menyadari
bahwa sebenarnya ia sudah punya anak dari darah dagingnya
sendiri. Ia mengajak mereka berkunjung ke rumahnya, bersedia menanggung
semua biaya hidup mereka, tetapi sang ibu menolak. Kami bisa hidup dengan
baik tanpa bantuanmu.

Berita ini segera diketahui oleh orang tua sang pria. Mereka begitu ingin
melihat cucunya, tetapi sang ibu tidak mau mengizinkan.

===========000= ========= ========

Di pertengahan tahun, penyakit sang anak kembali kambuh. Dokter mengatakan
bahwa penyakit sang anak butuh operasi dan perawatan yang konsisten. Kalau
kambuh lagi, akan membahayakan jiwanya.

Keuangan sang ibu sudah agak membaik, dibandingkan sebelumnya. Tetapi biaya
medis tidaklah murah, ia tidak sanggup membiayainya.

Sang ibu kembali berpikir keras. Tetapi ia tidak menemukan solusi yang
tepat. Satu2nya jalan keluar adalah menyerahkan anaknya kepada sang ayah,
karena sang ayahlah yang mampu membiayai perawatannya.

Maka di hari Minggu ini, sang ibu kembali mengajak anaknya berkeliling
kota, bermain2 di taman kesukaan mereka. Mereka gembira sekali, menyanyikan
lagu 'Shi Sang Chi You Mama Hau', lagu kesayangan
mereka. Untuk sejenak, sang ibu melupakan semua penderitaannya, ia hanyut
dalam kegembiraan bersama sang anak.

Sepulang ke rumah, ibu menjelaskan keadaannya pada sang anak. Sang anak
menolak untuk tinggal bersama ayahnya, karena ia hanya ingin dengan ibu.
'Tetapi ibu tidak mampu membiayai perawatan kamu, Nak' kata
ibu. 'Tidak apa2 Bu, saya tidak perlu dirawat. Saya sudah sehat, bila bisa
bersama2 dengan ibu. Bila sudah besar nanti, saya akan cari banyak uang
untuk biaya perawatan saya dan untuk ibu. Nanti, ibu tidak perlu bekerja
lagi, Bu', kata sang anak. Tetapi ibu memaksa akan berkunjung ke rumah sang
ayah keesokan harinya. Penyakitnya memang bisa kambuh setiap saat.

Disana ia diperkenalkan dengan kakek dan neneknya. Keduanya sangat senang
melihat anak imut tersebut. Ketika ibunya hendak pulang, sang anak meronta2
ingin ikut pulang dengan ibunya. Walaupun diberikan
mainan kesukaan sang anak, yang tidak pernah ia peroleh saat bersama
ibunya, sang anak menolak. 'Saya ingin Ibu, saya tidak mau mainan itu',
teriak sang anak dengan nada yang polos. Dengan hati sedih dan menangis,
sang ibu berkata 'Nak, kamu harus dengar nasehat ibu. Tinggallah di sini.
Ayah, kakek dan nenek akan bermain bersamamu.' 'Tidak, aku tidak mau
mereka. Saya hanya mau ibu, saya sayang ibu, bukankah ibu juga sayang saya?
Ibu sekarang tidak mau saya lagi', sang anak mulai menangis.

Bujukan demi bujukan ibunya untuk tinggal di rumah besar tsb tidak
didengarkan anak kecil tsb. Sang anak menangis tersedu2 'Kalau ibu sayang
padaku, bawalah saya pergi, Bu'. Sampai pada akhirnya, ibunya
memaksa dengan mengatakan 'Benar, ibu tidak sayang kamu lagi. Tinggallah
disini', ibunya segera lari keluar meninggalkan rumah tsb. Tampak anaknya
meronta2 dengan ledakan tangis yang memilukan.

Di rumah, sang ibu kembali meratapi nasibnya. Tangisannya begitu menyayat
hati, ia telah berpisah dengan anaknya. Ia tidak diperbolehkan menjenguk
anaknya, tetapi mereka berjanji akan merawat anaknya dengan
baik. Diantara isak tangisnya, ia tidak menemukan arti hidup ini lagi. Ia
telah kehilangan satu2nya alasan untuk hidup, anaknya tercinta.

Kemudian ibu yang malang itu mengambil pisau dapur untuk memotong urat
nadinya. Tetapi saat akan dilakukan, ia sadar bahwa anaknya mungkin tidak
akan diperlakukan dengan baik. Tidak, ia harus hidup untuk
mengetahui bahwa anaknya diperlakukan dengan baik. Segera, niat bunuh diri
itu dibatalkan, demi anaknya juga........ .. ..

============ 000====== ===

Setahun berlalu. Sang ibu telah pindah ke tempat lain, mendapatkan kerja
yang lebih baik lagi. Sang anak telah sehat, walaupun tetap menjalani
perawatan medis secara rutin setiap bulan.

Seperti biasa, sang anak ingat akan hari ulang tahun ibunya.

Uang pun dapat ia peroleh dengan mudah, tanpa perlu bersusah payah
mengumpulkannya. Maka, pada hari tsb, sepulang dari sekolah, ia tidak
pulang ke rumah, ia segera naik bus menuju ke desa tempat tinggal ibunya,
yang memakan waktu beberapa jam. Sang anak telah mempersiapkan setangkai
bunga, sepucuk surat yang menyatakan ia setiap hari merindukan ibu, sebuah
kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun, dan nilai ujian yang sangat bagus. Ia
akan memberikan semuanya untuk ibu.

Sang anak berlari riang gembira melewati gang-gang kecil menuju rumahnya.
Tetapi ketika sampai di rumah, ia mendapati rumah ini telah kosong.
Tetangga mengatakan ibunya telah pindah, dan tidak ada yang tahu
kemana ibunya pergi. Sang anak tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, ia duduk di
depan rumah tsb, menangis 'Ibu benar2 tidak menginginkan saya lagi.'

Sementara itu, keluarga sang ayah begitu cemas, ketika sang anak sudah
terlambat pulang ke rumah selama lebih dari 3 jam. Guru sekolah mengatakan
semuanya sudah pulang. Semua tempat sudah dicari, tetapi tidak ada kabar.

Mereka panik. Sang ayah menelpon ibunya, yang juga sangat terkejut. Polisi
pun dihubungi untuk melaporkan anak hilang.

Ketika sang ibu sedang berpikir keras, tiba2 ia teringat sesuatu. Hari ini
adalah hari ulang tahunnya. Ia terlalu sibuk sampai melupakannya. Anaknya
mungkin pulang ke rumah. Maka sang ayah dan sang ibu segera naik mobil
menuju rumah tsb. Sayangnya, mereka hanya menemukan kartu ulang tahun,
setangkai bunga, nilai ujian yang bagus, dan sepucuk surat anaknya. Sang
ibu tidak mampu menahan tangisannya, saat membaca tulisan2 imut anaknya
dalam surat itu.

Hari mulai gelap. Mereka sibuk mencari di sekitar desa tsb, tanpa
mendapatkan petunjuk apapun. Sang ibu semakin resah. Kemudian sang ibu
membakar dupa, berlutut di hadapan altar Dewi Kuan Im, sambil menangis ia
memohon agar bisa menemukan anaknya.

Seperti mendapat petunjuk, sang ibu tiba2 ingat bahwa ia dan anaknya pernah
pergi ke sebuah kuil Kuan Im di desa tsb. Ibunya pernah berkata, bahwa bila
kamu memerlukan pertolongan, mohonlah kepada Dewi Kuan Im yang welas asih.
Dewi Kuan Im pasti akan menolongmu, jika niat kamu baik.

Ibunya memprediksikan bahwa anaknya mungkin pergi ke kuil tsb untuk memohon
agar bisa bertemu dengan dirinya.

Benar saja, ternyata sang anak berada di sana. Tetapi ia pingsan, demamnya
tinggi sekali. Sang ayah segera menggendong anaknya untuk dilarikan ke
rumah sakit. Saat menuruni tangga kuil, sang ibu terjatuh dari tangga, dan
berguling2 jatuh ke bawah....... ... ..

============ 000====== ========

Sepuluh tahun sudah berlalu. Kini sang anak sudah memasuki bangku kuliah.
Ia sering beradu mulut dengan ayah, mengenai persoalan ibunya. Sejak jatuh
dari tangga, ibunya tidak pernah ditemukan. Sang anak
telah banyak menghabiskan uang untuk mencari ibunya kemana2, tetapi
hasilnya nihil.

Siang itu, seperti biasa sehabis kuliah, sang anak berjalan bersama dengan
teman wanitanya. Mereka tampak serasi. Saat melaju dengan mobil, di
persimpangan sebuah jalan, ia melihat seorang wanita tua yang sedang
mengemis. Ibu tsb terlihat kumuh, dan tampak memakai tongkat. Ia tidak
pernah melihat wanita itu sebelumnya. Wajahnya kumal, dan ia tampak

Di dorong rasa ingin tahu, ia menghentikan mobilnya, dan turun bersama
pacar untuk menghampiri pengemis tua itu. Ternyata sang pengemis tua sambil
mengacungkan kaleng kosong untuk minta sedekah, ia berucap dengan lemah
'Dimanakah anakku? Apakah kalian melihat anakku?'

Sang anak merasa mengenal wanita tua itu. Tanpa disadari, ia segera
menyanyikan lagu 'Shi Sang Ci You Mama Hau' dengan suara perlahan, tak
disangka sang pengemis tua ikut menyanyikannya dengan suara lemah. Mereka
berdua menyanyi bersama. Ia segera mengenal suara ibunya yang selalu
menyanyikan lagu tsb saat ia kecil, sang anak segera memeluk pengemis tua
itu dan berteriak dengan haru 'Ibu? Ini saya ibu'.

Sang pengemis tua itu terkejut, ia meraba2 muka sang anak, lalu bertanya,
'Apakah kamu ??..(nama anak itu)?' 'Benar bu, saya adalah anak ibu?'.

Keduanya pun berpelukan dengan erat, air mata keduanya berbaur membasahi
bumi ............ ... .

Karena jatuh dari tangga, sang ibu yang terbentur kepalanya menjadi hilang
ingatan, tetapi ia setiap hari selama sepuluh tahun terus mencari anaknya,
tanpa peduli dengan keadaaan dirinya. Sebagian orang menganggapnya sebagai
orang gila.

============ ========000= ========= ========= ========

Perenungkan untuk kita renungkan bersama-sama:

Dalam kondisi kritis, Ibu kita akan melakukan apa saja demi kita. Ibu
bahkan rela mengorbankan nyawanya..
Simaklah penggalan doa keputusasaan berikut ini, di saat Ibu masih muda,
ataupun disaat Ibu sudah tua :

1. Anakku masih kecil, masa depannya masih panjang. Oh Tuhan, ambillah aku
sebagai gantinya.

2. Aku sudah tua, Oh Tuhan, ambillah aku sebagai gantinya.

Diantara orang2 disekeliling Anda, yang Anda kenal, Saudara/I kandung Anda,
diantara lebih dari 6 Milyar manusia, siapakah yang rela mengorbankan
nyawanya untuk Anda, kapan pun, dimana pun, dengan cara
apapun ...........

Tidak diragukan lagi 'Ibu kita adalah Orang Yang Paling Mulia di dunia ini'

“Dicopy dari email yg di terima" 

Monday, 8 December 2008

十一月 初八 05 December 2008

今天是我的生日。 怀念那每年都会有的面线蛋。。 = )
多数人应该都有吃过吧。 在生日那天吃着面线蛋。。
但还好,老妈打来聊了一下。老妈和小妹祝贺了我生日快乐。 =)

今天是十一月,初八。 我过了往常的日子。 去学校,然后回家。
放学,去了Bugis, 听到的话题是John Titor, 时空穿梭者。
其中一个预言是在2015年的核战,灭了1.3 Billion的世界人口。。

祝我生日快乐 =)

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

People dun plan to fail, they just fail to plan

I have recover myself. 
Now i'm continuing the routine everyday. Study, study and study..
And at the same time, do a lot of thinking. 
The economy is so bad now. What will i do after graduate? Or even before graduate..=)

For that matter, i have a lot more to learn.
Currently, i'm building my ability in Leadership.
But i need more technical ability. So next, i'm going to learn about Investing. Investing here, i divided into 3 parts, Property, Stocks, and Forex. 
I also want to be an entrepreneur, for it, i'm going to learn to write business plan..
It's just too many thing to learn. There are many more that i didnt write out. 

But the most important now is my study, i have been slacking too far,. Now need to put in some effort to catch up with the studies. T_T, talk about studies, i'm just worried that MA class, i fail to submit Assignment, and fail to take it's 1st test. I wonder how Mr.James will react. Haha, would be famous in the class. '':(

"People are like icebergs. There's much more to them than meets the eye."

It is just icebergs that we know about most people. When u look at them, only about 10%-15% visible - that's surface only. The rest - is below the surface, hidden. Like what they think, what they normally would do when nobody see them... What they can do. It's how people handle failure and success... Unknown till you explore below the surface.. :)

"The most important thing in life is not to capitalize on our gains. Any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from our losses. That requires intelligence; and makes the difference between a man of sense and a fool" - William Bolitho

Saturday, 29 November 2008

It's often through working together we achieve excellence. I found out that i hav a bad habit of keeping silent when i have trouble/matter. I seldom ask for help. When i hav probs, i seldom share out. My thinking was my sharing or my request for help would be taking as joke. Therefore i seldom ask for advice/help to solve my probs or share it with my frens. My tendency is also negative thinking. Which would drown me into thinking for few weeks till it affect my normal activities. It is the mindset of the bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment. Subconsciously, i hav this mindset to prevent me doing a lot of thing. this can cause reactive respond instead of proactive...

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up" - Thomas Edison

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Finally posted this pic. Feel quite good to be able to appear together with other SIP@SIM Exco in this "Vibes"... Hmm.. Still doubting...

Busy busy doing nothing

"Ya, i know u are busy lar.. " Responds from one of my frens.

I think i have unintentionally create such a impression to my frens. In fact, i not really busy with many things. 
These days, i tried to keep myself away from routine things i do. So i found out, i'm not really as busy as i seems. It jus becos i didnt arrange my free time properly so when my works have piles up become urgent, i'll rush to finish all works. So it will seems busy. My free time usually would be playing computer games and reading books not related to school subjects. 

What i'm really occupied in now is just school, and clubs. No other else. Just like other students. But becos i didnt arrange properly so that everytime i should study, i didnt. So now, i learn that i have to be FOCUS in PRESENT and PREPARE myself so that i can Maximise my effectiveness.

Talent my be given, but success you must earn

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Went to the past and slip into future

This week has been felt that i dun have any intention doin any other thing. Almost like no soul. I didnt put attention in most of the things i done. I dun know why i behave like this until today. Today, i realize, i hav been dwelling over the past and worrying about future too much. so much that i nearly left the present...
Luckily, today i found myself back. FOCUS on PRESENT

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today" - Will Rogers

Saturday, 15 November 2008

08 11 08

Zhi Gang, Marvin, Sherry, Andrew and me

Having some gathering with some friends when in DMSFT 15/c.
It's been one year plus since our graduation from DMS. Now everyone is walking on their own path. 
Zhi Gang is now going working and going to starting part time degree for RMIT this coming January 2009.
Marvin and Andrew is now having holiday for just finish an exam(RMIT). They both taking RMIT, Marvin major in HRM, Andrew major in Marketing.
Sherry is now taking UOL, consider as year 2 ba..
And i'm taking UOL as well, if all going well, i'll be graduating next year.

Hee, how about the rest... each of us walking towards what we feel is right for us. I hope everyone is doing well.. :)

Friday, 3 October 2008

Vibes pictures taking


I watched the news just now. So scary. About financial crisis at US. Then about the "harm" products all over the world now. Even the Japan has this problem.. So scary.. Is everyone lost their conscience because of profit? They dun care about the world as a whole?
I was just thinking is the world goin in to chaos soon..
Global warming, financial crisis, food crisis, nutrition crisis.. etc... More and more problem come up becos of the selfishness of some people.
What can i do to change the world? YEs, i alone cant change the world. I need to work together with the people to make this world a better place. And i believe we can!
For a better world. I'll keep learning....

Sign off..

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Oh... suddenly feel the powerlessness in me..
Feel so lonely and so afraid..
So afraid that i cant do anything..
Hav a feeling that everything might jus collapse..
@#$%^&**&^%$#@!AQ( IHKJK LM BVFLOKYR

R.I.P Mr Eddy

R.I.P Mr Eddy
Receive the news last nite about ppl from my place died in Singapore from Desy.
I was quite shocked by the news but still hold a indifferent view as i dun know what exactly has happen. I was quickly recalled saw the newspaper of 2 ppl died near HDB but didnt read properly. So i immediately find news online, and finally found in and
The deceased were a girl, age 15 and guy age 22, named Eddy Afendy(I was not sure becos they wrote Afendy instead of Efendy). I just confirmed this is the Eddy i know when i was in Secondary(SLTP). My thinking is "WHY?" What has happen?!
No matter what, even though dead can solve your problem, but the problem didnt disappear. But left down to the person who alive, the parent who is the saddest. It doesnt matter now why he did it, what has happen. The matter now is the parent. I was thinking how sad the parent could be. For the girl's parent and for Eddy's parent. When i think of this, i felt very sad that most of the children never know that when we do something not rite, the one hurt the most are our parent. We only realise when we have become parent ourselves.
I strongly disagree to choose death as solution. I would think of my parent, how sad they could be. How can i just leave them be when i haven do anything for them.. How can i make them more sad when i have not able to make them happy!!

"Death didnt solve problem, it just left the problem to the living"

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

01 10 2008

Again, here comes my self thinking. Early in this morning, have a small chat with Jarren. Just as i tot, he has felt unfairness for himself. From his point of view, i think he has the right to felt that way. Anyway, it's my fault. We all hold different value for our live. My fault is that i have not truly discover my passion. I did my part. But i just cant get on the passion.
Everyone has things that he do like to do most. Mayb i jus dun really like to make things so complicated...

From this i have learn that even if it's your best friend, it might not suitable to be your biz partner. Because everyone has their own working style. I have to move on to find more suitable partner. I said this doesnt mean that best friend cant be partner. What i mean here is jus that if the working style doesnt suit you, you might begin to think you are better or he is better. In fact, what i think is we all have our own strenghs and weakness which for us as complementary. So it's better not to rate other people as if we are more superior that others...

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Our pics taking for Vibes last month..

These are pics taken last month to be cover for Vibes.. It took me whole month to post.. -_-"

Friday, 26 September 2008

Journals, September 26, 2008
Today in the SIM PEARLS Program, Evelyn come in and distributes the notes. One of it is about journals. When I took it and have a short read, I found this idea very interesting where we should write down journals and after some time, get back to this and read again to see if we have change. When I imagine this, I feel quite excited. I do not know but I just feel like doing.

As expected for today PEARLS class, the turnout is not even half of the class. Well, it doesn’t matter to me even though I still prefer more people to have more fun and know more people.
Today’s topic is about Personal Mastery, which I have attended before from Merry Riana before and the thing I remember the most from that class was “VISION-ACTION-PASSION”. The coach for today is Ms Elsie Tan. I was quite worry that this might be boring, but in the end I’m quite satisfied about the class, even though I had not enough fun.
Today we have done some exercise and personal check up. The results of the personal test turn out quite accurate for me (I think). I don’t know how for others. I was quite amazing to found out my greatest gift is “Learning Orientation” and my greatest hindrance for my success is “High empathize”. So after taking these tests have made me realize even clearer how to improve myself. I’m just more concerned about my last rank for “High Empathize. I realize that I dun really have a close relation even with my good friends. I found that my communication levels are different with them. So when I’m with them, I would feel inferior which led me to always keep quiet whenever I’m with them. And when I keep mum, most people would think I’m angry which I did not. And I do not know why my close friends like to relate me as a violence person. I do not remember that I have any violence action (Fighting) since I was primary 6. I’ll think of this further next time.
What I have learned today is “Vision” is so important that it will help in developing our character. In the distance between our “Vision” and our “actual reality” will have a “Creative Tension” which will pull us to our “Vision” but I was left out one thing which is “Negative Tension” which usually the fall back stone that pull us back farther our Vision. Now I know I need to recognize this “Negative Tension” of me and overcome it with the “Subconscious Power”.
Other than this, I also reflected upon the email I receive from Jarren about the characteristics for each blood type. One of the traits that interest me the most is about “The reason people hate”, it says that A type people worry when other people know their thinking, others will look down on them. I was very confused about my “fear” over this as well. But now I know this is just one of my traits as A type people. So I can clearer know why I fear. I hope I can get over this fear and become more open.
Sharing about what I feel right now, I feel I have becoming better than I was in last year. Some people might say that’s of course for sure. You would not be living if you never improve at all. But there are just these people that never improve. But I do feel very sad and disappointed about myself in failing the CF. I really blame myself for not doing well. But who can I say this to… I can only say thing to myself. That’s why most of the time I’ll have inner conversation. Some friends might say I’m strange. Sometimes I wonders if I’ll become double personality if I talk too much to myself.^^ But i told myself now, i WILL GET A BETTER GRADE FOR THIS YEAR. I NEED TO WORK VERY VERY HARD.
Now, in my first try to write journals I can anyhow write to one pages, I wonder why I can’t do this in EXAM.

Sign off

Sunday, 21 September 2008

It feel good

Now, in the midnight after doing all the things.. Listening to xYz radio hosted by Rudy, a friend in SIM studying UOW(Wollongong) while trying to study is .... impossible to study at this time la... Haha...

I felt quite good last time when Jez told me wat i wrote in this blog. This shows she trying to concern me. Even if she was jus curious, it's enough.

It's very tiring trying to be someone. I felt being alienated trying to be same with my frens. I was wrong. Why make it hard for yourself to be other ppl. Just be myself would be enough. I jus realise it's nothing wrong to be different. Now i know the words "I am who i am" is not so simple..
Well, "It's nothing wrong to be different"!!
U wanna laugh at me? Go ahead//
If it's their attitude problems, it's their problem. Let them be unless they realise it's their problem...

Monday, 25 August 2008


Sunday got off from work yet cant rest properly. So today wake up with heavy headache..
Wake up early in morning to fetch the items we are goin to sell on oct pushcart.. Take a few tour cos cant find that Aming. Cos he said he wearing blue shirt, BUT he is wearing black!!! OMG

Then back home catch a nap, then go Bedok again to meet with Evonne my textbook buyer. I sold the books Accounting theory and practice + Corporate finance for $55. I forgot how much did i buy. But the books condition are very good, especially the corporate finance, it is as good as new.

Even though today having heavy headache, by receiving sms from LM a long nver contact fren has brighten my day..

.... Later hav work... but i decided to work only until mid sept which i started my classes..
T_T i dunno how is my result.. very worried..

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Ubin Outing

These pics are taken frm JY's Camera. Initially jus wanted to post pics from Ubin Outing. Bt since some extra their previous outing, i shall also post some for fun ba...

Oh, sorry Song.. Cover your face le

It looks nice as shelter dun u think?

I'm sorry, becos the posting of pics take more time than expected now it's time to log off. So the pic shall continue next time..

Pearl suprise birthday celebration

Happy birthday PEARL!!

Here is Ann with Pearl
Eu Jean with Pearl

Happy birthday Pearl

Pearl is a Finance director in SIP Chapter @SIM. She a very great person and has a good heart. She is always looking very calm. On 28 August 08, after meet with Edmund, we went to her house to meet with the rest of the team, Eu Jean and Ann. The 4 of us wanted to suprised her. Eu Jean is the one prepared the most. By midnight 12am we went to Pearl's home and press the bell. I was worry cos i heard her mom quite fierce. Do imagine when u went to a fren's home suddenly by midnight.
So we go with our suprise.....
Pics above

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


I jus receive a sms, told me today is a special day. Becos 20-08-2008/ double 2008.
Well, even if today is special, to me is still the same. Passing the time doing routinity. This is not what i want...

i will take everyday as special day so that i will hav a special spirit everyday...:)

Wednesday, 13 August 2008


I feel i'm not improving. I'm lagging now.
Where is my plan!!!@! ISH? FYC!? SIP?! INC?! GLC?!!

!@#$%^&^%$#@! LAG!!
Hav been too relying..

13 August 2008

Have been slacking at home for few days. Since back from Balai, i become lazy. Didnt receive the salary yet, and almost used up...
Now dun hav the will to work yet.. But i'll have to..

Later will hav a SIP Chapter meeting, heard we will hav a guest from YALE Uni.
Wonder wat kind of person that is.. But i seems hav been disconnected from SIP since i went back to Indo last 2 months. Cos i cant check my email regularly which like lost contact with the other exco. Felt guilty for no contribution..

Another guilt i hav now is towards FYC, feeling bad.. Almost wanna quit, but the whole organisation is now on pending state. I wonder how will we go..

I worry my UOL exam results. I dun want to fail becos it will increase financial burden to my family since i'm here, i'm the biggest cost for my dad, even higher than total their cost in 1 year. For almost 3 years in Sg, i hav spend almost all his saving accounts in Sg. Although he is still healthy, i want him to retire and enjoy his life now. He is having a regular foot pain. I want him to stop smoking and drink less to take care his health....

Another is to ST, whenever i receive her sms, i would become down. I felt let her down. But it has been decided. I cant change now. So i hav to face this feeling of mine. I know she might suffers as well.

T_T, these are the mental burden i hav right now i can think of.. There are somemore, but these are the major for the moment...

Friday, 8 August 2008

11:11 or 2:22 or 3:33

Recently, i have been seeing these numbers continuously. Is this a sign for me?
Mostly i saw these numbers when i look at the time. And i have notice it for few months. Then when i notice these numbers, i have been meet the cars with the same numbers. Creepy man...

The most i saw is that 11:11 like 4 bamboos..
Anyone saw these kind of signs too?

Today is 08 August 08, nothing to do... Nothing special for me..
And i cant light up my day...

Hope next year, which is 09-09-09 would be a special day!!

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Last day for exam(21 May 2008)

I'm so confuse rite nw. Tmr is my last paper. After tmr, i'll be havin long holiday. Bt i dunno what should i do during the whole holiday. I would like 2 go back my hometown bt at the same time, i also dun wanna go back nw. Confusing. I dunno hw to see Doris when i go back. I'm so helpless nw. I seems to hav lots of worries, bt dunno what am i worrying bout... So troublesome..
For the exam, so far i hav taken POA, PSOC, dan POM. Bt i'm so depressed nw becos i didnt do very well for POA and PSOC paper. And high chance to fail the paper. .. Hope tmr CF would be all rite..

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Myanmar and China natural disasters

Today is socio exam, and again i screw up just like POA. I didnt do very well. Which made me quite depressed. Haish... Jia lat..
Well, becos of those depressed this post have been delayed. Weeks ago, the news about the China(Shi Chuan) earthquake not long after Myanmar cyclone. Lots of deaths, lots of hurts, lots of damages. Seeing the scene make me think that human lives are so fragile. We dunno when willl happen. What will happen to us. Mayb next day, mayb next hours, or even next minutes. There we must cherish those what we have right nw. I knw this is already a long long truth. But it jus too many ppl ignore this. Treat them well. Who? Of course those who's important to u. Mayb parents, siblings, friends or lover, let them knw that u care. Ya, our care have to be shown or else ppl will nt really knw it... Dun giv a "so be it" attitude if u dun want regret in your life. So let the people u care knw that u care about them. Show your loves.. of not only to your lovers..

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Exam Stress

I dunno what should i write at this moment..
I had two dreams within one hour sleep jus nw. One is nightmare and other is normal dream.
I had a nap after reading the boring sociology subject guide... Then i dream about a building, and i was at the building when it began to collapse. It felt so real, i felt the earthquake... =_=
After woken up by frighten, i continue to sleep(too drowsy). Suddenly i was back in my home! Becos i went back exam. That's what happen in the dream, but it was so real that i went into it. Well, wat i did back home? Hm, small quarrel with my dad. Den bring my mom wander around. Wat i'm find strange is the place, my town there become less house. Seems we went quite far away. Then i realise i planned to go back only one day. I forgot. So i jus remembered that tmr i hav another exam. It's like 22nd May is my exam yet i still in my hometown at 21 May. So by the time i realise, i looked at the watch, the time is 5.20pm. It was so strange that my dream was so clear, so make me think this is nt a dream. So i need to rush. Of cos i need to go home and take all the things i need den ask my bro to send me to harbour. Nw i found the transport i used is nt normal. It had 2 wheels yet it is neither Motorcycle nor Bicycle... then then then....

Huh... I woke up becos of the rushing... then blank.. Thinking, dream?? Ya, jus a dream..

Friday, 2 May 2008


Jus nw, i watched the HK Criminal files on channel 8. This episode story is about a poor family. A tragedy happened in this family because of miscommunication. This family was a very happy although very poor.

However this happy family began to change when the father begin gambling... Totally change...

In the end, the father killed his own daughter and even chop off her head. He brought her head and run away. During his running, he saw his daughter. Her daughter began to talk him to his sense. Let him knw not to doing wrong even more. She let him remember how happy they were in the past. From how loving they are becoming how a tragedy.

Even though in the end he surrender himself to the police. He end up in mental hospital as he keep seeing his daughter being with him.. Very sad...

At the end, he did come to his sense and saying a lot of thing from his regret..
Society nowadays are very cruel, you cannot survive without money. However in the pursue of the money, most people tend to forgot those who are the most important and their initial reason for their pursue of money. ..:(

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

As a member of my family, i should hav do some contribution to our family. Mayb not in term of financially as i haven begin earning. But mayb in term of other form.
Last few weeks, i quarrel with my parents over some personal matter. I was so regret.
I should nt increase their burden as they have already raised me to this age. I know that they are concern and care of me.
Recently i hav been trouble over personal and family matter. I know they hav very concern about every one of us as their children. Now i hav grown up, i should not increase their burden or worry, instead i should begin to share their burden and worry.
These few days, i been worry about my home. My grandpa and grandma are nt feeling well. My dad had to take care my grandpa monthly medical fee alone which is very costly as my dad is perceived as most able to take care of my grandpa. His medicine is buy from Singapore by me, that's the reason i felt very bad about the myself for studying here which a feeling of a burden for my dad. Again i'm nt allowed nt to work yet. !!

Then the worry about my brother and sister. My 4th brother's behaviour and his ongoing. And lastly my sister, she is in her rebelious period nw. I heard she create a lot of noise in my home nw which made my father very very angry. Now i'm very worry about the health of my dad and mom. They must be very worry about us yet i still at here and cant share their burden or let them enjoy their lifes...
Thinking of this made my personal matter doesnt matter more...
Again, sleepless nite..

Friday, 11 April 2008

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Today, i had a quarrel with my dad.
I'm so sorry to raise my voice to him and my mom.
I'm sorry...:(

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

My gmail account :

Emotionally and Physically

Recently take on a few more commitments. New tasks. Seems many things to do. Yet still cant motivated to move on. Feel tired, but cannot sleep.
When having a raft discussion with my frens, they seems to having the same problem. Where now is not the time to slacking around. MAIN EXAM is coming near and nearer yet i cant lift up the book and kick it.
Here wanna share bout two kinds of strains. I felt so tired, yet everynite cant sleep properly.
2 categories, physically tired and emotionally tired. I dont move around(go anywhere) recently, almost just staying at home everyday. Yet i felt tired and cant do anything. Here comes the emotionally tired - Emotional Strain. I have suffered emotionally. I need to relax.
Sometimes life is just so tough, when you are already hving some difficulties, some people are just dun want to understand and keep pushing the probs to you. My emotional strain comes also from worries. ...:/

Sunday, 9 March 2008

The Warren Harding Error

Recently, i read a book, "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, a present from my fren.
Although i haven finish read the book, last day i read part described about "The Warren Harding Error".

A short story bout Warren Harding is that when Daugherty saw him, expressed "a great looking president".

(Harding is often ranked as one of the least successful U.S. presidents, despite his immense popularity while in office. Indeed, Harding himself is quoted as saying, "I am not fit for this office and never should have been here.") From :

Most ppl tend to value a person by impression. Therefore appearance make a difference. Most times, ppl tend to feel ppl capability by appearance that's why 1st impression is very important. Appearance here does not necessary mean more handsome or more pretty, just an appearance that have the feeling, he/she is great, better. Some ppl may think or feel that i'm better than them where in fact that's not true. I'm nothing special, where i'm the same as most ppl. It's just the choices we made that distinguish among ppl.
Some ppl judge ability by appearance which might lead to some error.......


Friday, 29 February 2008

I dunno what happen that i cant post the video directly, so i can only post the link to there. Hope u can understand.

so hilarious.... I found this link in my fren's blog.


300, Troy, LotR, Kingdom of Heaven - Battlefield Music Video

Leap Year, 29 Feb 2008

Today,29 Feb 2008, i planned to do something really different as today if only come on leap year, which come once in 4 years. But i end up reading books(nt study for exam) in my home.
So irritated to have a bit fever and toothache when i need to study. So pain that i cant concentrate to study...

Leap year..
A leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing one or more extra days (or, in case of lunisolar calendars, an extra month) in order to keep the calendar year synchronised with the astronomical or seasonal year. For example, February would have 29 days in a leap year instead of the usual 28. Seasons and astronomical events do not repeat at an exact number of full days, so a calendar which had the same number of days in each year would over time drift with respect to the event it was supposed to track. By occasionally inserting (or intercalating) an additional day or month into the year, the drift can be corrected. A year which is not a leap year is called a common year.


Pic during birthday celebration on 9th Jan

Thursday, 28 February 2008

12星座女怎样表达 - 我爱你?

添加记录:狱火华衣 星座类别:星座爱情 发布日期:2008.02.21


Information source:


添加记录:狱火华衣 星座类别:摩羯座 发布日期:2008.02.0










但是,山羊座的“我爱你”却是价真货实的。他们希望严肃、真诚、持久的关系,希望能够被所爱的人崇拜和敬仰。他们在情感上的焦虑,使得他们必须有足够的金钱才能够放松自己会享受爱情的欢乐。山羊座的传统观念和强大的社会抱负,让他们致力于自己的事业,通常他们都有一定的“大男子主义”思想。但是,对那些渴望依赖于男性、在生活中寻求保护和对肉体需求很高的人,他们是你强有力的臂膀和伴侣,他们是可靠的爱人,持久的 丈夫。



Information cited from















(Information taken from














(Information taken from















(Information taken from


I get this link from a blog, you may take a look...


起初是偶尔从933听到,但现在却都是去 看。。

你以为打篮球时谁最喜欢当大前锋?你以为谁最喜欢带着大伙向前冲?那还用说,当然就是你啊!要上场杀敌、要开拓业务,你是第一人选,积极有干劲的你是职场 行动先锋;新客户你去开发、新政策你去推动、什么别人不敢做的你一手包,不怕得罪墨守成规的大老,誓死铲除阻碍公司进步的绊脚石,你做事有魄力没人情包 袱,靠着冲锋陷阵、攻略城池的本领稳站职场一席!

看似温和没有威胁性的金牛,从头看到脚也看不出你身怀绝技,在办公室里不表现的特别精明也不会逞威风,让人很容易轻忽你的存在,因为你总是任劳任怨、默默 的将工作做完,但这份不耀眼的功劳,却是你在江湖中避开许多武林高手的攻击,并杀人于无形之中的厉害武器;你能胜任艰困乏味的工作,并对金钱有很高的敏感 度,用温柔的耐力将金钱管理好,是你的无坚不催的内功。

通常老板旁边会有一个优等生,那个聪明到眼镜会发亮的就是你啦!老板咳嗽一声你就知道,要端上半糖不加奶精的咖啡,老板问你伦敦的天气怎样?你连温度、湿度及纬度都清楚报告,你聪明睿智且举一反三,学习力强、好奇心重让你成为‘Dr. Know’,没有什么事不知道,讨论专案时你是无敌智囊团,遇到问题时你是超强收寻引擎,所以上知天文下知地理,是你纵横职场的绝招。

渴望安全稳定的巨蟹座,走到哪里都散发出温暖可靠的气质,加班后会替大家买啤酒,或在办公室准备温馨可爱的挂饰,有你在的地方,就像有妈妈在身边一样温 暖,配合度高又内敛的你总有好人缘;重视安全感及念旧的个性,让你不会轻易的跳槽离职,对老板是忠诚无二、尽心尽力,对同事体贴有加、关怀倍置,所以你是 用柔情攻势,温柔击退其他虎视眈眈的强敌。

散发像太阳光般耀眼光芒、无法让人忽视的超级巨星,除了狮子还有谁有这样的霸气,办公室就是你的舞台,职场就是你的领地版图,为了获得荣耀和得人尊重,你 会份外卖命的工作,只为证明你是最好的,你拥有的组织能力及耐力,在职场常成为一个很好的管理者;你在危急时所展现过人的勇气,及面对同事像兄弟一样的义 气相挺,让你的王者风范威震武林、无人能及。

思虑周密的你在职场是出名的严谨大师,不论是你手头的工作,还是部属的业务,上至公司的营运方向,下至产品的不良率,只要是相关公司的所有事物,你都会布 下天罗地网,用你精准的眼睛一一检查,绝对不允许错误在你面前出现,如果是你自己出错则会自责不已,并杀鸡宣誓绝不再犯,近乎完美的要求让你的表现也是一 样零缺点,所以极低失误率是你成功的绝招。

听说公关部有一个超屌的强人,只要出去跟其他人接洽,一定不会丢公司的面子,还会帮公司建立良好的形象,这个传闻已久的公关界大老,是威武庄严还是能力过 人,等到一见庐山真面目才发现,这个人优雅可亲、年轻婉约,相处时给人舒服和被尊重的感觉,是谁有这种迷倒众生的魅力,那当然是天秤座啦!你就是讨人喜爱 的小龙女,光站着轻轻的笑一下别人就举白旗投降啰!

企图心旺盛、行事风格极端的你,表现在外却是内敛沉稳、谨慎认真的模样,常人不会察觉你真实的功力,明眼人却一下就看出你其实是个狠角色,你对权力有强烈 的渴望、自我要求很高,并且野心很大,所以你总是用尽全力去争取你要的东西,不计代价也要成功,最恐怖的是你总是低调行事,凡事暗着来侵略异地于无形之 中,你最擅长的招式就是吹箭,别人中招了还不知道是你干的。

自由自在、热情奔放的射手座,做事的效率快的像只豹,爱喝精力汤的你,早上起床就活力四射,对人友善又豪气,让人忍不住想跟你称兄道弟,就是这样的个性, 每个客户都跟你有很好的交情,就算没做成生意也会变成你的朋友,大男孩般的气质,让你在推广业务时有如神助,若遇到失败也会开朗的再接再厉,短时间把敌人 变成朋友,你的夺命绝招就是干坤大挪移。

若说职场的升迁过程就像是爬山,那还有谁比的上一步一脚印,踏实超耐力的魔羯座;沉稳内敛、埋头苦干的你是一个吸音棉,工作上遇到的挫折、沮丧、枯燥都会 被你吸收,消化掉后再继续认真工作,不会放弃也不会延宕以平稳的速度,在晴天、雨天、台风天持续前进,所以你是一台勇往直前的坦克车,就算炮弹打过来还是 缓缓前进。

‘得飘~得飘~得宜的飘~~’,周董这首歌就是为你写的,因为你就是翱翔在地球外的仙人,你的想法瞬息万变,做事飘忽不定,没有人能知道你下一步到底要做 什么?当主管被你气死、下属被你搞迷糊时,聪明绝顶、才华洋溢的你,又会丢出令人不得不佩服的见解,让人对你又爱又恨,你像是看得到又永远抓不到的云,擅 长将人摆在迷魂阵里再突击。

柔情似水、浪漫爱幻想的双鱼,就像是森林里的小白兔那样无害,娇小可爱的你在公司里,似乎是不会攻击别人,更别说有什么绝世武功,事实上也是如此,你不会 在背底里伤人,也无法察觉其他人的诡计,不小心中招了只会自行疗伤,但你却有着为人不知的小密技,若你从事艺术工作,你能结合真实与想像呈现令人激赏的作 品,才华就是你致胜的关键。

(Information taken from